Welcome to the Texican Rangers! Our February match weekend will be back to our normal shooting schedule. The Safety Briefing will be at 8:45 AM with hammers down at 9:00 AM. Gate will open at 7:30 with registration beginning about 8:00 AM.
Comancheria Days 2025 will be held April 10 - 12, 2025. We look forward to seeing you. The Registration Form, Waiver, Stage Sponsorship Form and Vendor Forms are available now in fillable pdf format. You can find them under Events<Comancheria Days.
The Texican Rangers is the second oldest Cowboy Action Shooting Club™ in the Texas Hill Country and the second oldest
club in Texas.
The Texican Rangers is part of a larger international organization, SASS-Single Action Shooting Society, created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. It is wearing tall high heeled boots with spurs and jingle bobs, leather chaps, a big sombrero, a belt of shiny cartridges and holding a pair of well oiled single action revolvers. You can walk down the streets of Tombstone with the Earps and Doc Holliday or stop a stampede or maybe a bank robbery. You can be a marshal, an army scout or a cavalry officer. Cowgirls can dress like Scarlet O’Hara in a flowing gown or wear a pair of leather britches like Raquel Welch in Hannie Caulder….you can be Calamity Jane or Poker Alice. Cowboy Action Shooting™ is the fastest growing shooting sport in the world. SASS is for the whole family, it can be an afternoon or a weekend with the finest, most polite and most safety conscious folks you’ll ever meet.
Nestled in the beautiful Texas Hill Country just 8 miles north of Comfort is the Stieler Ranch, home to the
Texican Rangers. We have fourteen shooting stages, a Long Range stage, Blazing Saddles and a Man-on-Man stage.
Check our Calendar page and plan on coming out to one of our shoots and join us in the fun that is Cowboy Action

Texican Rangers will offer Rimfire Cowboy/Cowgirl due to the ammunition shortage.
You will shoot Pistol and Rifle portions of each stage with 22 caliber lead bullets ONLY - No jacketed bullets allowed.

Join us for Comancheria Days
April 10, 2025
Comancheria Days April 10 - 12, 2025
Comancheria Days is the Texican Rangers’ annual club shoot. The shoot is held in the spring, usually in April. Shooters come from far and near to enjoy this fun-filled event.
Upcoming Events